Have you heard the management principle what gets measured gets done? It’s absolutely true!
In today’s business world we need to measure and monitor all our activities thereby we will know whether we are moving in the right direction.
Cys Bronner, Executive Director of BNI4Success, BNI’s Greater Los Angeles regions gives us some insight about The Go Green Specialist and the impact it can have on a BNI Chapter.
Role of The Go Green Coordinator in BNI
(Thank you to Murali Sundaram, Executive Director, BNI Chennai for his inspiration)
Have you heard the management principle what gets measured gets done?
Absolutely true. In business world we need to measure and monitor all our activities thereby we will know whether we are moving in the right direction
I’m Cys Bronner, Executive Director for BNI’s Greater Los Angeles regions and today, I’m going to share with you one important coordinator role for every chapter called the Go Green Coordinator
The Go Green Coordinator is vital for the success of every member because we all come together, and we help each other in participating in various BNI chapter activities
Another job as The Go Green Coordinator is to tell all our members whether all of us are putting our efforts in the right direction – that’s the reason in BNI we have created a system called traffic light system, like the traffic light has a green amber and red.
In BNI we have created a very interesting Benchmark or measurement system based on traffic lights called The Power of One Report.
This terrific tool tells all the members whether we are going in the right direction
If you are The Go Green Coordinator for your chapter (or maybe being considered for that role,) let me share with you what are the things that you can do before the meeting during the meeting and even after the meeting because only when you are very clear on your particular role you can actually help other members also to perform at the best possible way
Number one is every month your regional office will be sharing the Traffic Light style colors in the Power of One Report of all the members. You’ll want to talk to your chapter Leadership. your president will share this with you or they will ask the Regional Office to add you to the distribution list.
Before the meeting get the entire data of all the members what are their scores, where are they right now. Any member more than 70 points they are in the green!
Members who are between 50 to 70 are amber, or yellow if you prefer.
30 to 50 points places your referral partner in the red
As those chapter members who have accumulated less than 30 based on their activities, they become Gray members
Remember that, you know it’s very important that once you get that report to communicate to the Mentor Coordinator and of course, individually to every member either via phone e-mail WhatsApp whichever is convenient to you
maybe explain the members why becoming green is really important you know why green is important
you know because if you are a green member above 70% – 70 points it means you are highly contributing member – when you contribute you actually enhance your visibility and thereby enhance your credibility
you are telling every member in the chapter that you are a more responsible member ready to understand everyone’s business and ready to contribute
Remember our Givers Gain philosophy
So being a green member is one way of exhibiting your givers gain principle to the entire chapter
So maybe as a go green coordinator you have to explain the benefits of why every member must become green thereby, they can enhance their visibility and credibility and also their profitability
So, talk to members.
If some members are struggling to become green maybe you can break down the entire report and tell them “You know, this month just focus on adding five more points”
Don’t give them big numbers, give them only +5 points to add up in their score and motivate them as they move forward. You can even give them one activity to help make that happen.
Do One-to-Ones with those members who are Gray or red to understand their prime concern and see how you can help them.
Remember when you are helping them, they also help you back, so that’s the reason why that role is important.
The Go Green Coordinator, YOU get an opportunity to speak with all the members of the chapter with the BNI roles you are going to play so even during the meeting once a month. You can actually share a report – after the approval of the Leadership – you can actually share a report in the chapter meeting about how many members are in green, how many members are moved into green one percentage are there and motivate every member.
You can also do a small connect correlation between how green members are actually making lots of business and money in the entire chapter – share a small report
So that’s number one during the meeting.
Number 2: Recognize the new members. You know some members would have become green and you can actually inform the Leadership in advance and in the chapter meeting recognize them with a green pin (these are coming soon!)
Yes, every chapter member can also be given a green pin – talk to your regional offices they will give you a green pin and recognize them.
Remember, recognition and appreciation are one of the core values of BNI, so recognize them for the efforts that they have taken and also there are some members who have taken efforts in moving from an amber or red to amber. Appreciate them, show that you care, because they have taken some efforts so you can do that during the chapter meeting
one of the things that you can do after the meeting is see whether you can devise a strategy and talk to members individually and telling them the importance of becoming green and give them a very clear-cut strategy don’t give a vague explanation tell them very clearly do this this month thereby you can add points over here OK
speak to the leadership team and take the help of the support director of your chapter thereby we can continuously inspire more members to become a green member
Remember, if you are a member in the green, it means you are telling everyone that you are highly contributing member, contributing professional leader, helping all members to make more money. So, my best wishes to you as the Go Green Coordinator, in taking up this role in helping all members to understand how they can focus their efforts towards achieving the results and goals of the chapter.
My best wishes to you for your role you’ve taken that shows you have the heart of a giver.
I’m Cys Bronner Executive Director of BNI4Success, BNI’s Greater Los Angeles regions.
Thank you, you’re amazing!
In networking: The more memorable (positive and helpful) you are, the better the results.
Questions? Feel free to call Actionsteps4Success Founder and BNI Executive Director Cys Bronner 866-889-3466 or email her at Cys.Bronner@BNI4success.com
Her motto: BNI, Making word of mouth marketing work for you
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