10 Tips to get the most out of your investment in BNI
Are you looking to maximize the potential of your BNI membership?
BNI offers the structure, experience, and teaching to make sure your word-of-mouth marketing efforts pay off. But just buying a membership in the worlds’ largest networking organization isn’t enough…. as we are fond of saying; “It’s not net-sit, net-eat or net-schmoozing – it’s network!“. There is work involved.
Here are the top 10 tips to help you get the most out of your membership at your BNI chapter.
1) Arrive early
Meetings start at a preset time, most often 7 am for morning meetings, or 12:00 noon for lunchtime chapters. Show up 15 minutes early to get a little extra networking done. BTW, statistics show that members who arrive 15 minutes early, gain a 27% increase in their referrals.
2) Be there…. EVERY week
I generally chalk this up to being a “no brainer”. I mean, if you’re not there, it probably isn’t or couldn’t working for you. Use a substitute as a last resort, but remember, no one knows or cares about YOUR business as much as YOU do. Missing a BNI meeting can be ‘Hazardous to your Wealth”.
3) Invite your own guests
Invite your clients, suppliers, and potential referral partners – I like to invite the folks that I need to reconnect with. Especially on a day when it’s your turn to do the feature presentation.
4) Pay attention to other members’ weekly presentations.
When your referral-partners are speaking, pay attention. They will likely give you the info you need to bring a great referral to them, and remember, its “Givers Gain”. You bring THEM business, and they will pay you back.
5) Sell through the chapter members, not to the chapter members.
Remember, BNI is NOT a buying club. The power does not lie in marketing your services to other members. That’s a finite number. Rather, the real payoffs are in marketing to their spheres, their clients, friends, family members, etc.
6) Follow up on referrals
Whenever you get a referral, follow up on it in a timely manner. Dropping the ball makes you look bad. Worse, it makes the person who GAVE you the referral look bad.
7) Use 1-to-1’s (Business Building Interviews) to maximum effect
Come prepared to talk about your business, and to ask about your referral partners business. In our region, we have a 90/90 vision: 90 minutes inside the meeting, 90 minutes outside the meeting in a One-to-One. Use that time to learn as much as possible about each other.
8) Prepare your weekly presentation.
Don’t ‘wing it’. For new members – no, all members, take a little time to write out and practice 4 different presentations, and rotate them throughout the month. Other members appreciate the practiced presentation, especially if it’s no longer than your chapters allowed 45-60 seconds.
9) Prepare your feature presentation
If your chapter has 25 members, you’ll only get this chance 2 times a year. Make the most of it. Prepare, educate, and entertain your referral partners.
10) Keep it positive
Nobody likes a fun sucker. If you have grievances, or issues with other members, leave them outside the room. Remember, your membership committee is there for you.
BONUS: Volunteer in a leadership team position
Chapters don’t run themselves. Each chapter needs a President, a VP, A Treasurer, several Visitor Hosts, Events/Training/PR Coordinator, Mentors, and numerous other positions. Let current leadership team know that you’re willing to serve. These positions provide great experiences and add exposure for you and your business. Thank you again for listening, and until next time, keep exploring, keep learning, keep sharing and subscribing to BNIPodcast4Success.com And drop a note in the comments section!
In networking: The more memorable (positive and helpful) you are, the better the results.
Questions? Feel free to call BNI Executive Director Cys Bronner 866-889-3466 or email her at Cys.Bronner@BNI4success.com
Her motto: BNI, Making word of mouth marketing work for you.
Click for more information or to join a BNI chapter in the Los Angeles area