5 Money Making Activities in BNI
There is a popular quote that defines madness as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Contrary to this, doing the same 5 PROFITABLE BNI activities thousands of times is a much better path to success than trying thousands of different or new things searching for success. BNI has been around and refined by our members for over 35 years.
In BNI we know which activities to rinse and repeat for success, both for the member and the chapter. These activities are not difficult or new, but each of the 5 are truly money-making activities.
Activity 1 – Showing Up
Showing up does not correlate directly with turning up. Turning up is the bare minimum. Being PRESENT during the meeting is the key money-making activity. Do you arrive early and take part in the open networking? Do you stay for the whole meeting? Are you actively listening, engaged and prepared OR are you looking at your phone and computer? If you are sending positive messages it will enhance your credibility within the chapter and help you to attract more referrals.
Activity 2 – Invest your time in CEUs (Chapter Education Units)
When we learn about BNI, we learn how to “Show Up”. BNI is not just about walking into a room and expecting to receive referrals.
One of our core values is lifelong learning and we truly believe the more you learn, the more you can earn. A lot of the learning and training of members and directors over the last 35 years is now stored in BNI University, ready to be accessed by you! You just never know which podcast that you listen to may be the one that accelerates you and your business into success at BNI.
Activity 3 – Developing your sales and marketing team
When you join BNI it is like hiring a team of 20, 30, 40 or 50 salespeople. But if you just give them your business card and say “go find me some referrals” it’s unlikely to work.
Instead when you meet regularly with your team and build relationships with them (another of our core values) you upskill them to assist you, which in turn also helps the chapter. The statistics prove that members that do one, one to one per week generate TWICE as many referrals for themselves and for other members of the chapter compared to members that do one or less a month. You could double your money (or results) by repeating the same action every week.
Activity 4 – Visitors, Visitors, Visitors
During lockdown there may have been a lack of visitors as everyone went into hibernation. However, right now many businesses have lost revenue and nearly every business needs to know people who are still spending. BNI, through contact spheres or hubs, have access to those clients. So right now, more than ever, it is the right time to invite visitors. Not only are visitors potential new members for your chapter but on average they also spend or refer approximately $1,500-$2,000 with members after they visit.
Activity 5 – Referrals
It is not by chance that referrals are the 5th activity. If we repeat the first 4 activities, we energize each other and create activity which in turn leads to referral opportunities
Assuming you are good at running your business, doing these activities well means you will be top of mind with your fellow members. This means giving and gaining referrals can also flow naturally.
Making money in BNI is simple – try not to over complicate it. If we do the same important BNI activities consistently every week we will likely be more successful.
Thank you for listening today.
I look forward to seeing your comments and stories at
In networking: The more memorable (positive and helpful) you are, the better the results.
Questions? Feel free to call BNI Executive Director Cys Bronner 866-889-3466 or email her at
Her motto: BNI, Making word of mouth marketing work for you
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